Full Moon in Aries - October 13, 2019


On Sunday, October 13, 2019 (2:08 PM PDT and 5:08 PM EDT) the Full Moon shines in the fiery and passionate sign of Aries. The sign that thirsts for life, is full of energy, and has the heart of the warrior. Her greatest strength is her determination. When she’s told “no,” she only hears “find another way.” Aries knows what it means to push through and she certainly knows how to keep moving. She’s wired for battle and rightly so, because instinctually she knows, she’s either going to be the hunter or the prey. And so what she’s really here to develop is a large dose of courage. Now since she’s always armed for battle, her shadow can creep in if she doesn’t use her energy in a constructive and helpful way. You’ll immediately know because she’ll appear like a loose cannon. In other words, she’s always on the attack and anyone who comes along her path will need to feel ready to defend his or herself. Does that sound a bit intense? Well, newsflash: she is.

So what does this mean fort this Full Moon? As you know, the Full Moon occurs when the Earth is directly between the Moon and the Sun. Right now the Sun falls in Libra, the sign that wants peace and balance, and is wired for relationship, while the Moon, as we already discussed, is set ablaze in the bold and daring sign of Aries. So on the one hand, we can feel Libra calling for fairness and compromise, while Aries is ready to claim what she wants for herself. Can you feel the tension?

We also need to address that Pluto, the planet of transformation, and Saturn, the planet that likes to implement limitations and rules, are both making a challenging alignment for this Full Moon. Expect to feel the intensity behind this lunation beginning to build for what’s to come next year with Saturn and Pluto joining forces. Additionally, Saturn might remind us to pull back if we try to push too hard to make things look a certain way. If there is anyone that triggers you or gets under your skin make sure you take a look to see what is underneath your unrest. The trigger usually has more to do with you than them. Keep in mind that Pluto’s role in your life is about transformation, and sometimes her presence comes in like a wrecking ball. She wants to make sure you face your deepest wounds and claim who you really are. Maybe you can feel the storm brewing within or around you and intuitively you can feel it moving you towards some type of cataclysmic ending in your life. That sounds so doomsday, doesn’t it? But Pluto is also about rebirth, so hold close the image of a phoenix because the point of a phoenix is always to rise again. All this to say, there is a powerful shift coming, so make sure you do the inner work that helps you let go of the way things have “always” been. This will help you to boldly step into the new.

Use that fiery action oriented energy of Aries that is bubbling up from your soul along with Libra’s peaceful other focused energy to help you release whatever pattern, situation, belief, relationship, habit, or fear that is holding you back. Maybe you’re carrying resentment, or anger, or depression, or shame, or guilt, or disappointment, or whatever emotion it is that has been plaguing you. Now is the time for you to let it go. While you might not instantly feel the release, it’s important that you identify the emotion and take the first step towards surrendering it. Just remember: We have to choose to let go, if we ever want to feel it.

I also want to mention that Mars, the ruler of Aries is in Libra right now. Mars, as you know, is our drive and our passion, so this placement is reminding us to not go through the fire alone and to make sure we consider the “other” in all of our dealings. Of course this also means difficult issues can arise in your relationships. If there’s anything you’ve tried to avoid in the past, it’s likely to come back into the spotlight now, so be ready to face it head on. Hint: embrace the difficult conversations. And while the Aries energy might feel the need for a fight, try your best to slow down your responses and really listen to the other. You might not have all the information right now and listening will help some of the missing pieces emerge. One last thing to consider, Jupiter, the planet of faith, expansion, and abundance, is making a helpful alignment and can give that extra bit of excitement or belief that you need in order to handle everything that’s coming your way. That feels better, huh?!

We will all feel the tension during this Full Moon between the intense fiery energy of Aries, who is ready to claim what’s hers, in contrast with the peaceful and other focused energy of Libra that is asking us to consider the other. Each of us will experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


New Moon in Scorpio - October 27, 2019


Full Moon in Pisces - September 13, 2019