
Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Taurus - May 7, 2024

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:22 PM PDT & 11:22 PM EDT, the moon begins a new cycle in the earthy, aesthetically pleasing, and peaceful sign of Taurus. There is a cluster of planets in Taurus right now (Sun, Moon, Venus, Uranus, & Jupiter) nudging us to move toward what feels good in our bodies, and closer to our heart’s desires, but there’s also the chance that we might feel stuck and struggle to embrace the new. The good news is that Uranus, the planet of disruption and change, is in this mix, and will help us shake up areas where we’ve become a little too complacent, stagnant and attached. Uranus wants us to break free from our rigid routines of predictability, so we can live in greater alignment with our Self.

Taurus likes simplicity and enjoys being in a natural flow with life. This lunation will likely highlight areas of reciprocity or lack thereof. Are you holding onto your security too tightly? Where do you feel a level of scarcity in your life? Where would it help you to slow down? Does your life feel like it's in flow? If it's not, where is the blockage?

Saturn, the planet of restrictions, limits, and lessons is in the sign of Pisces, and is making a helpful alignment to this New Moon. Allow Saturn to teach you lessons from the past and help you set boundaries that will assist your growth. It might be helpful to take a scan of your life and note where have you already placed boundaries. Do you have too many? Not enough? Is there an area of your life where you need to be more resilient?

The day before the New Moon, Mercury, the planet of communication, perception, and thought, and Chiron, the wounded healer, joined together in Aries. The meeting between these two planetary bodies will help us let go of the past, highlight where our voice or vision has felt wounded, and move us towards new ways of seeing. Do keep in mind that Mercury is still moving through the shadow until May 13th, so if there’s anything you need to communicate or revise, now is the time. Overall, the energy of this lunation is ripe for a new vision and a new adventure. Don’t be afraid to scrap prior projects and start afresh.

This Taurus energy might have us feeling the need to slow down, get in touch with nature, ground our energy, find our center, and feel stillness. It’s also the perfect time to listen to the silence. You can recharge and reset by engaging with what fills you up the most. If you’re unsure, take a moment and think about what nourishes your soul? How might you create more nourishment? What do you need to feed within? What would you like to attract into your life?

While we all might feel the need to slow down, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Scorpio - April 23, 2024

On Tuesday April 23, 2024 (4:49 PM PDT and 7:49 EDT), the Full Moon glows in the penetrating, and deeper than deep sign of Scorpio. This is a transformational Full Moon that asks us to shed our skin so we can welcome new perspectives into our lives. With the recent eclipses and the Uranus and Jupiter alignment, it’s a powerful time for change. Sometimes these changes require our fears to be exposed, our boundaries pushed, our emotions to run high, and hopefully it’s an opening for us to know ourselves more deeply. This Full Moon will shine a spotlight on these changes and provide us an opportunity to dig deeper to see what it is we really need.

Pluto, the Lord of the underworld, is making a challenging alignment during this lunation. This means we’ll feel the intensity when something triggers us to break away from the past and let go of our former ways of being. This is all happening so we can live in greater alignment with who we’ve become and are becoming. It’s normal for feelings that you’ve buried or pushed away to surface now. Just remember that Pluto likes us to confront and face things head on. Try to think of Pluto like a mirror. He’s only here to reveal the truth of what exists. Our job is to be willing to look into the mirror without trying to deny, change, or dismiss what we see. If uncomfortable feeling arise, do your best to feel them and remember it’s okay to be messy in the process.

As I briefly mentioned above, just a few days prior to this Full Moon, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, faith, and expansion teamed up with Uranus, the planet of change, disruption, and shake ups, in the sign of Taurus on April 20th. This alignment is about big changes surfacing and that there is a new vision coming. (If you’d like to know how this alignment is impacting you personally, look to the house these two planets are transiting). Some of these changes might arrive as welcomed guests and others might come as a shock to the system. However, both are leading toward greater alignment and breakthroughs, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.

I want to take a moment and honor the changes that aren’t welcomed. The ones that show up as death, loss, and pain. These are some of the harder ones to accept and even though a new path is being created, I imagine you’d prefer to stay on the path that allowed you to remain with your loved one, keep the job you had, or stay in the place you’ve always known. These changes can feel disorienting and you are allowed to take as much time as you need to grieve and find your feet again.

Of course we can’t forget that Mercury, the planet of communication and perception, is still Retrograde in Aries, so as much as some of us might feel ready to jump head first into something new, it will be better if you wait until after April 25th.  Keep in mind it will take several days for Mercury to regain its normal speed. Use this time to reflect, plan, and understand what it is that you want for the future. Things will start to flow more easily in the first week of May.

While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on the truth of who we are and what we need to transform, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 8, 2024

 On Monday, April 8th 2024 (11:21 AM PDT & 2:21 PM EDT) we will experience a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries. The path of totality stretches from Western Mexico going diagonally through to Eastern Canada. It crosses several US States from Texas to Maine. Most of North America will experience at least a partial eclipse. This is the first Total Solar Eclipse in the US since 2017 and the next one won’t occur until 2044.
This Solar Eclipse is the fourth lunation of a six part series on the Aries and Libra nodal axis. Since July of 2023 we’ve been asked to release unhealthy patterns of relating from codependency, people pleasing, and placing the relationship over the needs of the self. The North Node in Aries has asked us to put our own needs first and take chances and risks to go after what we really want. This eclipse on April 8th will highlight whether or not we’ve been doing our North Node in Aries work.

Eclipses tend to be dramatic, they speed things up and amplify the lovely world of our unconscious. When the hidden and shadowy aspects of our lives rise to the surface, so do our emotions. Old triggers and wounds might show up now. You might be caught up in your current drama, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it mirrored a story from an early time in your life. The good news is now you have a chance to heal what your younger versions were unable to heal.
The recent lunar eclipse on March 25th highlighted the South Node of the Moon and it emphasized endings. Solar eclipses are considered to be intense New Moons and this one is set to kick off an entirely new chapter and offer us new possibilities. Significant transitions are taking place and we are urged to embrace the changes and lean into our own autonomy. Aries carries trailblazing energy and wants us to find our inner strength so we can go after what we really want. This doesn’t mean it will all be smooth sailing. Don’t be surprised if you feel a mixture of emotions from frustration to tears to excitement to fear.
This eclipse happens alongside Mercury Retrograde, Chiron (wounded healer), and the North Node. It’s the perfect time to reflect on all the significant events that have led us to where we are today. Honor the choices you’ve made - the heartbreaks, the setbacks, the shifts, the changes, the accomplishments, the losses, the peak moments, and even the blockages. There is a new path waiting for you, but you’ll need to pay attention to what you’ve held onto that’s prevented you from transforming. Maybe it’s been an unfulfilling job, an empty relationship, where you live, or what you believe. Whatever it might be, take a moment and consider: What are your relational soul traps? What holds you back from greater autonomy? What attachments keep you from moving forward?

Just to reiterate, there is a lot happening behind the scenes and while new things are opening, before we can embrace the next chapter, we’re all being asked to reflect, revisit, reconsider, and uncover some insights about our earlier experiences. There’s no quick healing remedy, but we do have an opportunity to meet the more vulnerable parts of our self right now. So keep following the threads in front of you, embrace the changes, and extend compassion, kindness, and gentleness to the younger versions of yourself that helped you arrive at who and where you are today. If you’d like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Virgo - February 24, 2024

On Saturday February 24, 2024 (4:30 am PST and 7:30 am EST), the moon glows in the earthy and practical sign of Virgo. The sign that is finely attuned to details, has a preference for order, and is all about precision. This sign loves to be of service to others and is naturally wired toward growth. Since this Full Moon highlights the Virgo/Pisces axis, we will experience a little bit of the sacred and the profane. In other words, this lunation will prompt us to trust our intuition while making sure we tend to the details. If there’s a situation that has you spiraling, use this Full Moon to gain clarity about the decisions you’ll need to make. This will require you to step outside of any fear talk as well as loosen your grip on how you think you want or need things to go.

Mercury, messenger of the gods, the planet of communication, perception, and thinking, and Saturn, the planet of restrictions, limits, and lessons, are both making a strong appearance in this lunation. This suggests there might be some key misunderstandings or miscommunications in some of your relationships. Saturn’s presence might make it hard to fully express your needs and you could feel tempted to keep your true feelings locked inside. The good news is that Saturn can be used to help you set boundaries. You’ll be most effective if you consider what it is you want from your relationships and what changes or improvements need to be made before you can move forward.

Keep in mind that with Saturn’s influence you’ll need to focus on some hard practicalities and figure out how to make some of your dreamy ideals land in reality.  Pay attention to whatever is reaching a breaking point and be ready to devote yourself to some hard work. If something feels wish washy, too idealistic, too confusing, or too impractical, you’ll need to make some revisions, come back down to earth, and get clear about what needs to happen.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, faith, and expansion, is making a helpful alignment during this lunation while it’s also getting closer and closer to the planet, Uranus. This suggests that while you might feel the added weight of some of life’s pressures, there can also be significant breakthroughs waiting for you just around the corner.

Venus, the planet of beauty, values, and intimacy, and Mars, the god of war, are also getting closer and closer to each other in the sign, Aquarius. Over the last few weeks these two planets had a meeting with Pluto, the lord of the underworld, and as a result you may have experienced more of the shadowy areas surface in your relationships. As these two planets grow closer during this lunation, you might find there are some important changes taking place in your passions, desires, and any relational dynamics. To gain more clarity consider: Where have I been settling for too little? What’s one area of my life that I know I deserve more?

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to gain some claritywe will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Virgo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’d like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Leo - January 25, 2024

On Thursday, January 25, 2024 (9:54 AM PST & 12:54 EST) the Full moon glows in the colorful and expressive sign of Leo. The fiery sign that is bold, playful, likes to express without inhibition, and invites us to get in touch with our inner child. This first Full Moon of the year is urging us to dream big, embrace our passions, engage in some type of expression, and let go of whatever isn’t in alignment with our hearts.

Pluto, the lord of the underworld, and Jupiter, the planet of abundance, faith, and expansion, are making a challenging aspect to this lunation. Many of us will experience intense confrontations and have to face some of the deeper truths that have been lurking in the shadows. These underlying dynamics can’t be pushed down or kept hidden any longer. They are bubbling up to the surface and we are being asked to face these truths head on.

Leo energy can certainly be dramatic and with wounds being exposed you might want to prepare for your emotions to feel exaggerated and for projections to run wild. If you can channel the Leo energy through some creative expression or playfulness you may be able to reparent yourself, change the narrative, release blockages, or possibly free some of your younger selves from earlier trauma.

Full Moons have a way of bringing our feelings and situations to a climax point. If you feel tensions building, try to trust that everything that’s being revealed is to help you make the best decision moving forward. Certain changes are necessary and these shifts can create more freedom and truth in your life. While some things will naturally shift, you may also find that you need to assert yourself and be willing to rock the boat a little in order to get your needs met.

If you feel stuck or trapped by what’s happening in your world, try to focus on what brings you joy and surround yourself with the people who inspire you to feel more alive and connected to yourself. This Full Moon can serve as a reminder that we have the power to change our circumstances and the way we relate to others. If something in your life is coming to an end, there’s no need to fight it. Some of us may need to let go of a job, a relationship, a home, a project, or maybe even a belief system. What do you believe is standing in the way of your joy? How has your playfulness been diminished?

Have you ever made a list of 100 things that make you come alive? If not, try it. You may be surprised at how many simple things bring you joy. It can also inspire you to go out and experience more of these things. I know for me, sitting outside under the moonlight and being with Reya, my husky, brings me a joy that’s hard to put into words. So does walking barefoot at the beach, gazing into the crashing waves, watching the sunset, reading a book by candlelight, swinging in my hammock, painting, and going for a hike. This Full Moon is an invitation to create more joy by turning toward the simple things that enliven our hearts.

Ask yourself: What shall I celebrate today? Where do I need to lighten up? What does my soul want to create? How can I choose fun today/tonight? How can I play a little more? How would I like to shine? What do I need to shine? What am I most grateful for? What’s something I can do to help my inner child feel seen?

While we all might feel pulled to express what’s in our heartswe will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Capricorn - January 11, 2024

On Thursday, January 11th, 2024 (3:57 am PST & 6:57 am EST) the Moon begins a new cycle in the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn. The sign that is wired for hard work, understands the need for discipline, feels joy in productivity and is inspired by accomplishment. This is the first New Moon of the year and while it carries some fresh energy, Pluto’s presence at the last degree of Capricorn also suggests there are some endings and closures that will likely lead to some type of rebirth.

The energy at the end of 2023 came with some confusion, vagueness, distractions, and blurriness due to Mercury Retrograde and it’s square to Neptune. Mercury is beginning to get back to its regular speed, making it easier for us to move forward with our goals. You might even find that some of the limitations you previously faced have started to lift.

Use this New Moon to set intentions for the rest of this year and see what it is you feel ready to commit to for the long term, but don’t forget to also honor how far you’ve come and everything you’ve accomplished up to this point. It will be important for you to consider how you’ve changed over the last several years and how these changes have impacted your dreams and desires. It will be helpful for you to question some of your old outdated habits, beliefs, and behaviors and then decide whether or not they are still serving you. As you look forward, you may want to consider, what’s the new mountain that feels worthy of your time? How might you challenge yourself to go for something that feels bigger than you? Is there anything holding you back from what you’d like to experience?

The Nodes of the Moon play a big role in this lunation. We are given a chance to choose between falling back into our old familiar patterns of people pleasing or finding the courage to create a new path. Pay attention to any of the tendencies you have that cause you to compromise yourself for the sake of the relationship. It’s likely that you will be tested in these areas and the healing comes when you learn to choose yourself, even if it means you might have to rock the boat a little.

Lastly, Uranus, the quirky and unpredictable planet, is making a lovely alignment to this New Moon. You may find that new opportunities unexpectedly appear that help you break free from confining circumstances.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to become clear on what mountain we need to climb, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Cancer - December 26, 2023

On Tuesday, December 26th (4:33 pm PST and 7:33 pm EST), the last Full Moon of the year glows in the nurturing and healing sign of Cancer. The sign that is deeply connected to home and family, feels everything, and knows how to hold it all deep within. This is a beautiful Full Moon to close the year, but do remember that feelings will be heightened and others might be feeling more sensitive, nostalgic, or longing for connection at this time of year.

Jupiter, the planet of faith, abundance, and expansion, is making a lovely connection to this Full Moon and encourages us to release any emotional baggage we’ve been holding onto throughout 2023. Saturn, the planet of restrictions, lessons, and limits is also making a helpful connection, and encourages us to take responsibility for our feelings and how we handle our emotions. Consider how you can let go of past frustrations and be ready to release what no longer serves you.

Mercury is still retrograde and won’t turn direct until Jan 1st so it’s the perfect time to slow down, turn inward, make necessary revisions or changes, and remain flexible. It’s also the perfect time to reflect on all that happened in 2023. What were some of the key moments? What caused you pain? What challenged you? What changed you? What or who helped you? What or who inspired you? How have you evolved? What feels unresolved? What has come to an end? What are you grateful for? Do you have any conflicts to resolve? What would you like to release? What was worth it?

Listen to your heart. What feelings are present during this Full Moon? Don’t ignore them. Use them as a guide, or as a catalyst that can help you transform your life for the better. Maybe there are some old habits or patterns you need to let go? Maybe some of your feelings from childhood are resurfacing for you to take another look at them? It might feel tempting to hold onto the past and all that feels familiar, but there are new things wanting to enter your life, and you’ll need to create space for what’s to come. In this last week before we enter 2024, consider how can you ease into your life. How might you lean into the flow? It’s less about making things happen right now and more about listening to your soul.

It’s possible that this lunation will highlight a part in you that still needs parenting. So for this last Full Moon of the year, you are invited to nurture yourself in ways you wished others would have nurtured you in the past. What does this younger part of you still need? How might you find ways to nurture him/her? Create some space to feel your emotions, honor what surfaces from the past, pay attention to your soul, remain flexible, be willing to adjust, practice compassion, and look for a big release.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to turn inward and feel some unexpressed emotions, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart, or if you have a natal planet associated with it.

If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Sagittarius - December 12th, 2023

On Tuesday, December 12th at 3:32 PM PST and 6:32 PM EST, we have the last New Moon of the year showing up in the fiery, resilient, and adventure seeking sign of Sagittarius. Shortly after the New Moon arrives, Mercury stations Retrograde reminding us of how important it is to slow down and pay attention to what really matters. However, don’t be surprised if you experience mishaps, misunderstandings, technological glitches, delays, and a few extra setbacks on your path until Mercury stations direct on January 1, 2024.

I’m sure the timing of this Retrograde feels really inconvenient as many of us rush around trying to get everything completed before the end of the year. To make the most of this Mercury Retrograde take some time and reflect back on your experiences in 2023. What have you accomplished? What did you learn? How did you change? What broke your heart? What inspired you? Who left an imprint on your year? How might your disappointments and achievements fuel your intentions for 2024?

This Sagittarian energy might inspire you to try new things, explore a new connection or place, trust in something bigger than yourself, or maybe do something outside your comfort zone. What would it look like for you to experience more freedom in your life right now? What would you pursue if you felt that small spark within being ignited? What goals would you set if you could dream bigger? If everything went your way, what might you do? With Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, also retrograde until December 30th, it will be important to pause and reflect on these questions.

Chiron, the wounded healer, makes a strong appearance during this New Moon along with Mars, the planet of assertion, suggesting that we will feel more driven to get to the bottom of what’s been bothering us. It’s also possible that you’ll feel more proactive and ready to deal with the situation in front of you. Consider how you’d like to set stronger boundaries.

The mystical and dreamy planet, Neptune, is making a challenging and tricky aspect to this lunation, suggesting that there will be some confusion about how to take steps forward. You might feel as though you are drifting off course or that some of your dreams are leading you on a wild detour. Maybe you’ll see where you’d like to be or what you’d like to change, but you’ll feel torn and unsure about how to move forward. Be patient with the process and remember that you don’t have all the pieces to the story. More will be revealed after December 22nd.  

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to expand our horizons, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re not sure where to start, I’d be more than happy to set up a consultation to see if I would be a good fit to work with you. Message me 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Gemini - November 27, 2023

On Monday, November 27, 2023 at 1:16 AM PST and 4:16 AM EST, the Full Moon glows in the inquisitive and perceptive sign of Gemini. The sign that is open to new ideas, is quick to adapt in any situation, and knows that there’s always multiple sides to every story. With the Sun now shining in Sagittarius, huddled up closely to Mars, and opposing the moon, it will be important to utilize the Geminian energy by staying curious, open, and ready to embrace dualities. This is especially true if some new information is brought across your path and highlights some things you’d rather not see. Be careful with how you handle this and pay attention to how you spin a story to fit your own narrative.

A Full Moon is a time for full visibility, reaching a climax, or a culmination point. This particular Full Moon might bring a conversation, an idea, a belief or a relationship to completion, or it may even provide a new understanding about what is possible. At the very least this Full Moon will inspire important conversations.

There’s an intense astrological alignment happening during this lunation that involves the Sun, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon that will make you feel as though you have to act immediately, defend your stance at all costs, while knowing that something needs to change. No doubt you’ll feel the tension. The tricky thing is that there’s a good chance you won’t feel ready to act on the change even if you feel it’s for the best. Try to listen to alternative perspectives, especially if you’re convinced your view is the correct one. This is where staying open and being flexible comes in handy and so does extending a large dose of compassion and understanding to yourself and others.

Keep in mind that Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, and messenger of the gods, will enter its last retrograde cycle of the year on December 12th which means it’s currently moving through its shadow. This just means Mercury is currently crossing degrees that it will pass back over twice more in the next few weeks. The point will be to highlight an area of our chart that needs attention.

The energy might feel scattered right now, but once Mercury is retrograde things will begin to slow down, giving us lots to consider and reflect upon, as the year comes to a close. Neptune, the mystical planet is in a challenging aspect to Mercury stirring up some confusion, disorientation, and misunderstandings. While you might feel like you know how things are going to play out, the truth is that things are still blurry and out of focus. Landing on a conclusion right now would only be to your detriment. Treat this lunation as an experiment in learning how to trust that more is going to unfold in the proper timing. Hint: You may have to release some control.

Do your best to step outside of your perspective and welcome new information no matter how uncomfortable it feels at first. The good news is that the Sagittarius energy expressed through the Sun and Mars can be used to help redefine or reinvent your path, your image, and your personal beliefs. Remember that it’s okay to change your mind and go in a completely different direction than you were before and maybe even change your mind again. A new idea exists in any given moment. The main thing to guard against is spinning those wheels in your mind so fast that you fill yourself with anxiety and overwhelm. This will then lead you down a path of thinking your emotions instead of feeling them.

We will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Gemini is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Scorpio - November 13, 2023

On Monday, November 13th (1:27 AM PST & 4:27 AM EST), the moon begins a new cycle in the watery, deep, and penetrating sign of Scorpio. This sign is deeper than deep, and won’t rest until all the truth is out on the table. It wants to expose what’s been hidden and honors realness and rawness as if they were gods/goddesses. Scorpio’s tendency is to approach things as all or nothing, so you might want to leave some room for the areas that fall in between.
Usually, when a New Moon follows an eclipse, there tends to be a sigh of relief, but this lunation comes packed with intensity and a need for transformation. One of Scorpio’s rulers, Mars, the planet of war, action, and assertion, is cozied up real close to this New Moon, while also opposing the quirky, rebellious, and unpredictable planet, Uranus. This can activate sudden and abrupt changes and we’re likely to feel pressure, tension, conflict, irritability, frustration, and a pull to act immediately. Reminder: You don’t need to rush or be pushed into anything right now that doesn’t sit well with you.
With Scorpio’s desire to get to the bottom of everything, we'll be dealing with truths that have been hidden from us or one’s we’d rather not face, but need to. The good news is that new beginnings are just around the corner, but before we can meet those, we’ll need to wade through a few discomforts. It’s likely that what you need to feel and experience right now is happening outside your comfort zone.
There’s an edgy and raw vibe in the air due to repressed feelings and frustrations being dug up from the unconscious. In other words, there’s a good chance that you’ll experience some shake ups, breakdowns or even some type of break up during this lunation. If things start to feel messy, don’t be surprised if your normal tactics of looking away aren’t working. I should also add that with these strong Scorpio energies and the planet Mars in the mix, sex and sexuality will become a central theme. Secrets might be revealed, new information might surface, and it’s possible that what you once believed stops being true. Luckily, Venus, the planet of attraction, and what we value most, is moving through the sign of Libra. This will help us consider the other, find ways to balance things out, and look for common ground.
If you are brave enough to face the truth and not look away, what do you see? What might you say? What do you feel? Are you willing to consider the other side of the story? Is there something you’ve been resisting or trying to convince yourself isn’t true? Is there something you’ve been afraid to feel? What’s the story you’re telling yourself? Is it time to change that narrative? Use this New Moon to dive deep within your soul and confront the parts of yourself that you haven’t felt ready to see until now.
The mystical and spiritual planet, Neptune is also involved in this New Moon suggesting you could receive some higher guidance if you choose to stay open and pay attention. Listen to your intuition. Trust the nudges, insights, whispers, and promptings that are visiting you or whatever it is that makes you feel connected to life. These promptings may prove to be even more important than your logical assumptions and rational explanations.
While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on the truth of who we are and what we need to transform, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus - October 28, 2023

On Saturday, October 28th, 2023 (1:24pm PDT and 4:24 pm EDT) the moon glows in the aesthetically pleasing, and peaceful sign of Taurus. The Moon is in its full expression thanks to the Sun in Scorpio, the sign that thrives off intensity, lives in the depths, and is wired to penetrate to the core of all things. Taurus wants you to slow down, get grounded, enjoy the moment, be still, and embrace the silence. While Scorpio will pull you deep into the moment to know your truth about what is really happening. It’s certainly possible that this tension alongside the Eclipse is highlighting some of the shifts in the more practical issues: your relationship to money, your resources, your body, or even in your talents and gifts. With strong Scorpio energy being reflected on this Taurus moon be aware of how control, fear, and power creep in to the mix.

This Full Moon is also a lunar eclipse that has come full circle from the Taurus Full Moon energy we experienced back on November 19, 2021. It also marks the dramatic end of a two -year journey that began on January 18, 2022, when the Nodes of the Moon entered the Taurus-Scorpio lunar axis. In about 8 years, we will see this axis activated again, but the lunar points will be reversed. We won’t experience a series of eclipses like this one until 2040, when the transiting South Node returns to Scorpio.

To gain more clarity about this Full Moon Eclipse think back to what was going on in November 2021? What intense, dramatic themes have been playing out over these past two years regarding your value, security, and self -worth? What have you learned about abundance and lack? How have your boundaries, desires, and pleasures changed? We’ve reached the last moments in the Taurus/Scorpio cycle, so these particular lessons are coming to a profound ending. It’s likely that you’ll know exactly what is coming to a close or what feels ready to be released, but if you’re unsure, let the Eclipse energy work its magic, and you’ll find the final puzzle pieces will fall into place.

Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, and one of the rulers of Scorpio is making a very strong and challenging appearance under this Full Moon Eclipse. Be ready to confront your shadow and some of the things you haven’t been ready to see until now. Discomfort is normal, try not to let the uncomfortable feelings discourage you from being with the more hidden or neglected parts of yourself. You might even start to make peace with all the things that have been uncovered since November 2021. With transiting Mars, the planet of assertion, vitality, and temperament closely huddled up to Mercury, the planet of perception, communication, and thought, in the sign of Scorpio, don’t be surprised if power struggles surface through intense conversations, fiery words, and reckless comments. These power struggles may highlight where you feel incongruent with your Self.  

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, faith, and expansion is also quite active under this Full Moon. This means that what we’re going through is likely to feel magnified under this energy. Things tend to seem bigger or more important than they need to be. On the one hand you might feel more motivated to speak up and act on your truth, but it’s also possible that you will overact and blow things out of proportion. With Jupiter Rx opposing Mercury/Mars in Scorpio, it will be easy to jump to conclusions before knowing all the pieces. This energy might also help you come to an understanding about your role in past events and how you’d like to implement some changes.

While moving through this Full Moon, keep in mind that Eclipses are potent, highly transformative, unstable, electric, and often rattle or stir up our emotions. As you can tell, the end of October is a powerful time, so much so, that you might feel pressured to act immediately and put things into motion. While this might be tempting, give yourself time to think everything through and decide how you’d like to proceed. There’s no rush. Eclipses can play out for months. Endings will happen, but new beginnings will slowly take form.

While we all might find ourselves reflecting on these Taurus themes from the past two years, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart, or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra - Oct 14, 2023

On Saturday, October 14th, 2023 (10:55 AM PDT and 1:55 PM EDT), the Moon begins a new cycle in the airy and connecting sign of Libra. It also happens to coincide with a Solar Eclipse that will be visible in parts of North, Central, and South America. This is the second Eclipse we’re experiencing in the Aries/Libra cycle which will continue to highlight themes of self vs other, codependency vs independence, and compromise vs self -assertion.

Eclipses are unique. They stir up the intensity and they amplify whatever needs that extra touch. They tend to emphasize fated events and are catalysts for significant breakthroughs. They usher in new beginnings through shake-ups that can be disruptive, and also life-changing. They create endings and you’ll find that some situations will take an unexpected turn. The energy during an eclipse can feel a little more chaotic and unstable, so be prepared to experience emotional highs and lows at both the personal and collective level. Keep in mind that a solar eclipse is similar to new moon energy in that it presents us with new beginnings that we could see evolve over the next six months.

To identify where you’ll experience these types of changes, you’ll want to locate the house for Aries and Libra in your chart. The house that contains Aries is the place where you’ll be bold, fight for your autonomy, and where you’ll need to gain courage to work with your fears. The house that contains Libra is where you’ll find yourself more willing to compromise, people please, as well as where you’ll experience committed relational dynamics.

With the South Node currently moving through Libra, and huddled up close to this New Moon, you’ll likely feel something from the past resurfacing. It will highlight lessons or places where you’ve become stuck, the shadowy parts of your relationships, partnerships, people pleasing, compromise, and even commitments that no longer resonate with your soul. Use this time to reflect on how you share your energy with others and see what has become out of balance in your partnerships. With the North Node in Aries until 2025 we must lean into the self, our own autonomy, and be willing to fight for what we believe.

Think back to what was happening in 2014-2015 in regards to your relationships, and it will likely resonate or align with your current situation. This is because the nodes were being activated in the same Aries/Libra axis, but back then, the South Node was in Aries and the North Node was in Libra. What have you discovered about yourself and the role you play in relationships over the past decade? How has your perception with self vs other evolved?

Since the New Moon is in Libra, it’s a fantastic opportunity to see what has fallen out of balance in your interpersonal relationships. With Venus, the ruler of Libra, in Virgo, you may want to consider these questions: Where have I sacrificed myself too much for the relationship? Where have I given too much or not enough? Where have I dismissed my own needs? Where do I need to receive more? To take it a step further what is the reason I feel the need to withhold or over give/sacrifice? What am I afraid will happen if I don’t respond this way?

If there’s a certain relationship that’s been on your mind lately, it’s the perfect time to reassess your interactions and commitments with this person. Pay close attention to where the relationship feels skewed and if there’s anything that needs to be resolved. Do you need to speak your truth? Are you struggling to let go of a relationship that’s run its course? Have you over compromised and now pretend that everything is okay out of fear of losing them?

Mercury, the messenger of the gods, is also greatly involved in this lunation and is in an intense dynamic with Pluto and Chiron. Pluto tends to bring up our wounds and has us look at where we are not claiming or feeling empowered. It’s possible with Pluto’s presence that you’ll experience some power struggles within some key relationships, but this can also be felt from within parts of yourself. Chiron, the wounded healer, can trigger areas of vulnerability and insecurity. If we want to see healing, then we’ll need to face these wounds. It will be important for you to engage in difficult conversations, notice if there are any unexpressed thoughts and feelings that need to be shared. Pay attention to conversations, messages, and any insights that come through at this time. Consider how you would like to redefine your connections, implement new boundaries, and renew your relationships. You are being asked to reflect on your decisions and to rebalance what has been out of alignment.

While we all might feel relationships become highlighted in one way or another, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Aries - September 29, 2023

On Friday, September 29th, 2023 (2:57 am PDT and 5:57 am EDT) the Full Moon shines in the fiery and passionate sign of Aries. This is the first Full Moon of Autumn and is also the last supermoon of the year. A couple weeks later and we enter the final eclipse season of 2023. Eclipses bring changes and tend to be highly transformative. With eclipse season coming up in the Aries/Libra axis you may want to take note of the major themes that are present during this Full Moon. These are likely to be the same themes you’ll experience throughout the Aries eclipse cycle that ends in January 2025.

This lunation comes with fantastic energy for those who have felt stagnant, but are ready to take charge and make things happen. Aries is bold, ready for action, and isn’t afraid to take risks. If you can channel this energy into your life, you’ll be willing to move outside your comfort zone and push through the blocks that have held you back. To be clear, it’s not that your fears disappeared, it’s more that you’re developing the courage to tackle them and this helps you claim what’s yours. At the very least, use this Aries energy to ignite the fire inside you and “do the thing” even if it scares you. I’m sure you can already tell that this fiery energy is in contrast to the last few lunations that had us moving at a much slower pace mainly due to Venus and Mercury Retrograde.

Reflection: What is holding you back? Where do you need more courage? What do you need to claim as yours? Where do you need to take up more space? What in your life needs igniting?

Keep in mind that with all of this strong energy present, you might feel more susceptible to aggression, frustration, conflicts, anger, or find that you’re more easily triggered than usual. If you get carried away by this energy, you might become reactive, reckless, or impulsive. If you have some unresolved situation, where you aren’t standing your ground, then it’s likely to resurface at this time. Beware that explosive emotions may run extra high right now.

while Aries is ready for you to claim what you want without any compromise, The Sun in Libra is asking for fairness, compromise, and for you to pay attention to the needs of the “other.” Somehow during this lunation you’ll need to see what’s worth pushing forward while also considering how your actions impact those around you. With emotions running high, engage in activities that help you release this fiery energy: Dance, play a sport, have sex, or find other ways to move your body.

Lastly, since Aries is a go-getter and tends to want everything right NOW, you might feel pressure to make everything happen right away. It’s okay to still feel unsure of how to actually put it all in motion.

We will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Virgo - September 14, 2023

On Thursday, September 14, 2023 (6:40 PM PDT and 9:40 EDT) the moon begins a new cycle in the grounded, practical, and service oriented sign of Virgo. Shortly after the New Moon, Mercury will turn direct leaving us with six planetary bodies (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron) still in retrograde. The retrograde energy is asking us to reflect on the past, slow down, and turn inward. When several planets are retrograde it can feel as if life is at a standstill and it’s hard to move things forward.

Keep in mind that any time a planet stations direct, we tend to feel that energy increase. Since it’s Mercury, pay extra attention to your communication, prepare for delays, read the fine print, look for the details, and be ready for any technological glitches on September 15th. You may also want to pay attention to the messages you receive around this time and remember they can appear in some of the most unusual ways.

With the arrival of the Fall Equinox on September 22nd, Eclipse season just around the corner, and a Full Moon in Aries on September 29th, we have just under two weeks before the pace picks up, and we experience some significant shifts. This New Moon in Virgo can be seen as the turning point, so use this lunation as a time to perfect, revise, strategize, discern, and use your skills in the most effective ways.

You’re preparing a foundation for the changes that are coming. It’s important that you use this time to tend to the things that need to get done. In other words, we’re in the strategic planning phase. Get organized, declutter, make lists, reconfigure your routines, and analyze what needs to change and how to do it. You don’t need to implement the changes just yet, in fact, it’s better to wait until the Fall Equinox. You’ll know when the time is right.

The mystical and dreamy planet, Neptune, plays an important role in this lunation. The challenge will be on how you attempt to integrate your dreams and visions in a practical way. You will likely find opportunities appear so that you can be of service to others, there will be chances to perfect your skills, you might even be thinking about your own soul growth, or find an area in your life you’d like to fine tune. Of course, with Neptune involved, the challenge is to not get swept away in the ideal or in some dream that can’t fully be grounded into reality. The other way this might appear is that you see where you’d like to be, but you’re frustrated that you’re not there yet. This may lead to self- sabotage, missing important deadlines, or being overly critical of yourself. If any confusion surfaces, find ways to connect to your inner wisdom.

Uranus, the planet that is known for shaking things up and being a catalyst for change is quite active during this New Moon. This can trigger feelings of instability or fears about how things are changing. Maybe you’re feeling a little unsure about the future and what it is you need to be doing. Maybe you can’t even see the changes. Maybe you’re afraid nothing will change. Maybe you don’t know how to change. It helps if you remember that Uranus wants you to experience freedom and be more aligned with who you’ve become instead of who you’ve been. If you’re not sure about what needs to change, look to where you feel some resistance and this should give you some more clues.

If this feels overwhelming, try to surrender to the flow and trust in your adaptability to change. This lunation doesn’t seem too intense so you may just feel a little more scattered, distracted, or confused. If you begin to feel this way, then just lean into the Virgo energy, and you’ll feel more supported and grounded. This lunation is an excellent time to refine our creative vision and look for new directions on how we want to move forward in the coming weeks.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to get prepared, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Virgo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon/Supermoon/Blue Moon in Pisces - August 30, 2023

On Wednesday, August 30th 2023 at 6:35pm PDT and 9:35 pm EDT, we have a Full Moon/Supermoon glowing in the dreamy sign of Pisces. A Supermoon refers to perigee, which means it’s proximity to the Earth, and that’s why this moon looks really big, bright, and beautiful. It’s also the second Full Moon of the month, known as a blue moon, and we haven’t had one of these since August 22, 2021. Two full moons in a month are worth paying attention to and they can trigger a big release of energy. Maybe there’s something that needs to leave your life – a job, clients, a relationship, a belief system, a home, a dream, or maybe even a memory. Whatever it is, welcome the empty space and trust that something new is going to take form in the months ahead. Give it time, but also give it your all.
I’m sure many of you have felt like life is moving at a much slower pace recently. This is due to 7 planetary bodies being retrograde (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron). With Venus and Mercury (personal planets) in this mix of retrogrades, we’re sure to feel it. This retrograde energy is about slowing down, looking back to the past, reflecting on what we need, and recalibrating what is no longer in alignment with our desires. It’s more difficult to move ahead during these periods and if you try to force it, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself going in circles. This is why we tend to see more delays, misunderstandings, and miscommunications when Mercury is retrograde.

This slower pace of life can feel difficult, especially if you aren’t used to prioritizing being still, quiet, or reflective. It can bring up fears and even create an illusion that life is always going to feel this way. Instead of resisting or becoming trapped in fear, try to think of how you would like to meet this energy. Maybe journal before you go to bed or maybe take a walk in the middle of the day or late at night when everything feels calm. Maybe you allow yourself to rest. Maybe you write down your dreams. Maybe you tend to some things that have been overlooked these last few months. Maybe you write out your visions for the future. Maybe you listen to the silence. Maybe you immerse yourself in nature. Maybe you actively engage with your imagination.

This Full Moon in Pisces carries a sensitive, intuitive, soft, compassionate, and fluid nature that can help us deeply listen to the messages in our soul. This is a feeling moon, so your intuition is heightened. Pay extra attention to synchronicities, signs, dreams, omens, and significant conversations. Keep in mind that since this is a full moon in Pisces, we’ll find the sun in Virgo, the sign that loves perfecting one’s skills and tending to the details. Virgo loves growth and striving for excellence in all it does. This would be the perfect time to lean into your dreams and visions, but you’ll need to find ways to manifest them in the practical.

Use the energy of Virgo to discern and sift through how you’ve fallen into fantasy or the illusion that everything will just work itself out. While there can be an element of truth in that last statement, it can’t be your only driving force. With Mercury still Retrograde until September 15th, we’ll be able to see how our dreams and the way we live each day needs a revision. This can be a painful process, but a necessary one.

Saturn, the planet associated with restrictions, limits, hard lessons, and obstacles is very present during this Pisces Full Moon. It asks us to take responsibility for our path and devote ourselves to resolve whatever has been troubling us. Saturn also reminds us that magical thinking can only take us so far and that we need to do the hard work to make it real.

Use Saturn’s energy to establish some boundaries that will help you in this process. What challenges or limitations have you been facing recently? How badly do you want to move through these blocks and what are you willing to do about it? If you know your natal chart, look to see if you have any planets in early Pisces to gain more clues about what Saturn is asking of you.

A few days after this Full Moon, on September 3rd, Venus will station direct. If you’d like to understand what Venus was highlighting in your life, think back over the last six weeks (since July 22nd) and notice what came up around money, self -worth, your values, and relationships.  To take it a step further, write down these themes, note what surfaced, and reflect on what you learned. Include people you’ve connected with who aren’t usually in your day- to- day world and also take note of any passions or talents that have resurfaced in your life. Since this Venus Retrograde has been in Leo, what you found in your underworld search is here to help you express yourself in greater alignment to who you’ve become.
While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to engage our imagination, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Pisces is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Leo - August 16, 2023

On Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 (2:38 AM PDT and 5:38 AM EDT) the Moon begins a new cycle in the colorful, playful, and expressive sign of Leo. The sign that is bold, ignites joy and creativity, and needs to express everything from the heart without inhibition. With this lunation, you’ll feel the archetypes of the Child, the Queen/King, and the Performer taking center stage and emphasizing the importance of being seen and witnessed.

So what else can we expect for this New Moon?

This New Moon happens to align with Venus Retrograde while also making a challenging aspect to Jupiter and Uranus, highlighting some type of unexpected changes around relationships, our values, and maybe even igniting some creative sparks. Consider where this Venus Retrograde cycle has led you these last few weeks since July 22nd, 2023. Are there past relationships or connections coming back? Is there a relational pattern surfacing? Maybe a passion of yours is being reignited? Maybe you’re returning to ideas and hobbies that once brought you joy and now you’re seeing them in a new light? Maybe you’re trying to remember what used to bring you joy? Maybe you’re reflecting on where your passions have taken you and where you’d like to go?

Leo energy wants us to be aligned with what’s in our heart, but this lunation will likely place a spotlight on areas where we feel misaligned, on what no longer resonates, or doesn’t fit into our world anymore. What parts of your heart need to be seen and acknowledged? Where do you need to feel more joy? Where do you need to experience more play in your life? Where have your desires changed?

Feel into that big heart of yours and take note of what wants to spill out. Do we see the fullness of you? Where have you felt limited?

Personally, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it looks like when my life is in flow. I notice that when I’m in flow there’s a lack of attachment to what needs to happen next and there’s a greater pull in my heart to be present to the moment. When I try to control and limit the flow, I begin to function more in a state of lack and my life starts to feel closed, tight, and restricted. When I’m in flow I feel an excitement about life much like a child does who is immersed in play. What is it like for you when your life is in flow? What’s been limiting your flow?

With Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Uranus, the planet of change, both in the mix, you might feel something is pushing you outside of your comfort zone so that you can see what is possible. With this lunation, stay open to change and be willing to challenge what has felt comfortable and a little too predictable in your life.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to express who we are and celebrate the life we have, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Scorpio/Total Lunar Eclipse - May 15th, 2022


We're in the thick of eclipse season for 2022. Last month on April 30th we had the first one, a partial solar eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses are often associated with breakthroughs, stir up the intensity, and they amplify whatever needs that extra touch. We are also in Mercury retrograde (currently in Gemini) since May 10th and this energy is asking us to slow things down, pay attention to conversations, look to untangle any misunderstandings, read the fine print, and stay open to ideas instead of trying to draw firm conclusions about what you think is happening or needs to happen.

Jupiter entered Aries on May 10th and will stay here until October 28th when it will briefly return back to Pisces for a couple more months. While Jupiter is in Aries it’s time to put into action much of what surfaced through our dreams and visions these last several months. You’ll find that it will be easier to access your will power and go after the opportunities that you really want. However, there is a slight catch, with eclipse season and Mercury retrograde playing in the forefront, you might need to wait until the second week of June to really put things into action. Use the next few weeks for planning and strategizing.

So what’s happening with this Full Moon/Total Solar Eclipse?

On Saturday, May 15th, 2022 (9:15 PM PDT & 12:15 AM EDT), the Full Moon occurs along side a total lunar eclipse in the intense and penetrating sign of Scorpio. This potent lunation is likely to stir up and amplify some of your feelings that have been repressed, hidden, or stuffed down. It is a call for a deep dive into the unconscious and the Scorpio Full Moon will turn a spotlight on some of your fears that have been buried in your psyche. You also might find that some of your desires and impulses are turned up a notch or two.

Saturn, the planet known for limits and restrictions, is making a challenging aspect to this lunation. This can bring up some resistance, and some sobering feelings that might weigh you down and keep you trapped in a depressive maze. Saturn in its desire to mature you is asking you how badly do you want to live a more full-filling life? What are you willing to commit yourself to that will help you feel more alive and aligned? What has taken your joy? What fears keep you from enjoying simple pleasures in life? Where is your life blocked? How might you choose to live your life with more intention? What’s causing your soul harm?

Use persistence and determination to move through and face your feelings no matter how hard or difficult it feels in the moment. If you stay present to these uncomfortable emotions, you might experience a breakthrough just when you need it most. The good news is whatever it is that’s weighing heavily on you is likely to wane after a few days.

With a south nodal eclipse in Scorpio, there is an opportunity to release unhealthy attachments and explore your relationship with power, control, and hidden motivations. If anything starts to feel too complicated and overwhelming, look for simplicity. Choose something that would bring more ease to the moment. A hug, a walk, a cup of tea, watching a sunset, taking a few deep breaths, sitting by water, resting against a tree, going barefoot, feel the ground, have a conversation with a trusted friend, or even indulge in your favorite meal.

There are also a few planets that are positioned in a helpful way to this lunation: Neptune, the mystical and dreamy planet, Mars, the god of war, and Jupiter, the planet known for abundance, faith, and expansion. Their energy will serve as a guide and potentially soften or help any challenging situations or feelings that surface.

Take control of what’s in your power and surrender the rest. Try to practice that all too familiar line of learning to be unattached to the outcome. Do be wary of falling into spiritual bypassing or some type of escape as a way to cope. Remember that it’s an active engagement with surrender not a defeatist type mentality of giving up. If you do find yourself trapped inside an emotional maze, do your best to recognize that there’s a bigger picture playing out in the background, and this moment is only a small part of it.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to look deeply within, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Aquarius - January 31, 2022

On Monday, January 31, 2022 (9:46 PM PST and Feb 1st 12:46 AM EST), we experience the second New Moon of the month. This New Moon carries the rebellious and radical sign of Aquarius. The sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, thrives when she creates her own path, and is used to being called weird.

The two rulers of Aquarius are both deeply impacting this New Moon. Saturn, the planet aligned with restrictions, limits, fears, discipline, and hard work, is positioned right next to this lunation. This alignment suggests we need to build something that can withstand the test of time. What is worth your time, energy, commitment and dedication? While Uranus, the planet known for stirring up change and disruption is making a challenging aspect. This highlights the importance of breaking from how you’ve always done things and being willing to create a new path that is more aligned to who you are and where you’d like to go. It’s also possible that ideas, perceptions, and visions for the future will be challenged on both a personal and collective level.

Keep in mind that Venus stationed Retrograde back on December 19th in a conjunction with Pluto, the planet of truth and transformation, and she finished her descent to the underworld on January 29th. These 40 days and 40 nights have led us into some of our relational wounds, altered our perceptions, possibly opened us to a change of heart, and had us reflecting on our relational truths. We needed to take things slow so that we could ponder our connections, our projections, and to see if anything needed to fall apart. Now that Venus has stationed direct, we might experience new insights and gain new revelations about how we relate to our self, each other, and our relationship to beauty, peace, and love. Venus must now retrace her steps until she meets Pluto again on March 3rd, but this time she comes with more wisdom than she had before.

How has your heart changed since December 19th? What did you recover from your unconscious? What have you learned about your heart’s desires? What do you truly value?

Even though Venus Retrograde is complete, Mercury Retrograde continues until Feb 3rd reminding us that we are still in a time of reflection and pondering. This New Moon might feel sluggish and slow as if we’re not quite ready to put everything into motion. It’s also signaling we’re moving through a significant break with the past. The Aquarius energy of this New Moon nudges us to take at least one step forward even if we don’t know where the rest will lead us. It might take time to completely break free from an old story, but you can still take steps to nurture your new vision and know that it may need to change directions once you get moving. Saturn is reminding us to be strategic and really make the next step count instead of trying to rush to the finish line.

While we all might feel pulled to open our minds toward a new path, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Cancer - January 17, 2022

On January 17, 2022 (3:48 PM PST and 6:48 PM EST) the first Full Moon of the year glows in the nurturing and healing sign of Cancer. The sign that feels everything and knows how to hold it all deep within. Cancer is associated with the archetype of the Great Mother, the healer, and the nurturer. This energy is often tender and Cancer knows the importance of having a safe space to tuck in and emote. The shadow can appear if the mothering energy manifests more as enmeshment causing the other to stay in a state of dependence or remain childlike. It can also creep in through invisibility by always taking care of everyone else and forgetting one’s own need to be seen.

Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, death and rebirth, is cozied up to the Sun and opposing this lunation. This suggests that our unconscious material from the past is coming to the surface for us to face it. Some of our fears and wounds will be exposed and Cancer’s sensitive and intuitive nature will turn up the volume on some of our hidden and unexpressed emotions. We must decide how we will respond. Do we try to push it under, bury it, ignore it, deny it or do we acknowledge what we feel when faced with these uncomfortable truths? When we acknowledge what’s really happening underneath, we give ourselves permission to feel, and eventually this can lead to accepting who we are at our core. Whatever comes up for you now, remember there’s no rush to move through this. You can take your time.

We also have both Mercury retrograde and Venus retrograde adding emphasis to needing to return to the past. This can feel nostalgic. This energy is ushering us into how we feel about where we’ve been, what we’ve been through, and the patterns we’re repeating. This lunation will highlight themes connected to home, roots, childhood, family, the past, nurturing, and a sense of belonging. What are my roots? Does anything in my life need to be uprooted? How is my current situation connected to the past? Am I in need of more support? Where do I belong? Where do I want to belong? Who is home to me? Where is home? Where do I feel alone? What family story am I still carrying? What is ready to heal?

It’s possible that this lunation will highlight a part in you that still needs parenting. Is there a part of you that is still looking for protection? Nurturing? Direction? Support? Connection? Love? If this resonates, try to create a space where you can listen to your soul. Get quiet. What is it that you this younger part of you needs? How might you find ways to nurture him/her?

It might feel as if life is slowing down right now and even if you’d like to move full speed ahead, the energy is asking for you to reflect, get quiet, and listen. It’s the perfect time to revise old patterns and thoughts, to reconsider new ways of doing things, and to nurture the parts of your soul that need a little bit more tender love and care. If you lean into this Full Moon with feelings and all, you will likely see more clearly what it is your heart truly needs. This truth might also help you find or feel more connected to your soul family. There will be more time for moving ahead and making decisions after Mercury moves direct February 3rd.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to turn to our past and feel some unexpressed emotions, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart, or if you have a natal planet associated with it.

If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Gemini - December 18, 2021

On Saturday, December 18th at 8:35 PM PST and 11:35 PM EST, the Full Moon glows in the inquisitive and perceptive sign of Gemini. The sign that is open to new ideas, is quick to adapt in any situation, and knows that there’s always multiple sides to every story. This Full Moon might challenge what we’ve always thought to be true, or maybe it will helps us stay curious about all the information that’s been fed to us. With so much misinformation floating around it can be hard to discern what is true and what has been manipulated, embellished, or skewed. Some of us feel quite rooted and convinced of our beliefs, but this lunation reminds us that whatever we think we know, there’s always more to the story. Gemini energy asks that we stay curious and open, and embrace the dualities.

A Full Moon is a time for full visibility, reaching a climax, or a culmination point. This particular Full Moon might bring a conversation or relationship to completion or it may even provide a new understanding about what is possible. At the very least this Full Moon will inspire important conversations.

Neptune, the dreamy planet that relates to mysticism and spirituality, is making a challenging aspect to this lunation. This means your imagination and dream like states will be more accessible, and you'll also feel the need for peace, compassion, and empathy. You also might find that it’s easier to fall into something that’s not really real. What you feel and what you think might be two different things and the thought of both being true might fill you with confusion. It can also be a case of expectations versus reality and at the very extreme you might feel deceived or tricked.

Jupiter, known for expansion, abundance, faith, and luck, is making a helpful alignment to this Full Moon suggesting that there’s more information to be revealed which will help expand your awareness, understanding, and perception. It can also make you feel more scattered and that you are being pulled in too many directions.

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is making a challenging aspect to Chiron, the wounded healer, suggesting that we might feel afraid of what’s to come, scared to talk about where we’re headed or what we’re feeling, or maybe we’ll struggle to feel the things that have hurt us or caused us suffering.

A few hours after this Full Moon, Venus will station retrograde in Capricorn. Venus is about beauty, what we’re attracted to, what we value most, and how we relate to others. The full retrograde cycle is from December 19th until January 29th and this shift is telling us that we’re moving through a period of reassessment and regeneration in matters of the heart. Use this time to turn your attention toward your heart and listen to what it needs. You might even find that you have a change of heart in situations that previously seemed impossible, closed, out of the question, or immovable.

With Pluto close by, we must look at our relationships and uncover the wounds that still remain so that we can find the gold that’s hidden in the shadow. If you don’t know what your wounds are, then look for the triggers. What has caused you pain? What are you reacting to? How is this current trigger mirroring a previous story? Where have you encountered control issues? Power issues?

This can be a difficult and grueling process, but it gives us an opportunity to clear out our own toxicity or whatever has kept us from experiencing what our heart truly desires. Shadow work involves leaving the pretending, over compliance, and politeness at the door. It’s about being real with your self no matter how messy, uncomfortable, or ugly it looks. You might need to say things you’ve been afraid to say and feel the uncomfortable emotions that you’ve been afraid to feel. As they say, “The answer to the pain is in the pain.” Or as Rumi says, “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” or as Joseph Campbell says, “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” This Venus Retrograde cycle is asking us to enter the cave with hearts wide open so the real truth can begin to unfold.

We will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Gemini is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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