New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn - January 5, 2019


On January 5, 2019 (5:26 PM PST and 8:26 PM EST) the moon begins a new cycle in the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn. This isn’t just a regular New Moon either – while it marks the first New Moon of the year, it also just so happens to be a partial Solar eclipseand the first eclipse since the Nodes of the moon have changed signs. In case you’re wondering, an eclipse means that the moon is positioned in such a way that it will be blocking part of the Sun. The key word is partial, so most of the sun will still be visible. Here’s the thing, eclipses are thought to be more powerfuland while New Moons usually start the beginning of a four week cycle, the energy that occurs during an eclipse tends to carry forward for about six months. This suggests that the seeds you plant now will be tied to the Capricorn lunar eclipse that happens later this year on July 16th.Psychologically speaking, this is a time for rapid changes to occur on both an internal and external level. All in all, I would say it’s not a bad start to the year for those of us trying to implement New Year’s resolutions. 

 Now, let’s talk about how we have three planets (Mercury, Saturn, Pluto) plus the Sun, Moon, and the Moon’s South Node (Past Karma) all in Capricorn, the sign that is wired for hard work, understands the need for discipline, and finds joy in productivity and accomplishment. That’s a lot of serious and practical energy. Not to mention, we have the eclipse sandwiched between Saturn and Pluto right at the midpoint that turns up the serious vibe another notch or two while also casting a bit of a dark feel to this New Moon. 

 The good news is that with Saturn’s influence at the time of this eclipse, you might feel more focused, determined, and ready to tackle new projects that are likely to require a lot from you. As in, it’s time to start that new business, clean out that storage room, write that dissertation, start your autobiography, or even build that new house. Whatever it is, it’s time for you to jump in and make it happen through your dedication and hard work. It’s also possible that you’ll be forced to face any limitations or obstacles that have been weighing you down or preventing you from this endeavor. This could feel overwhelming, but remember this potent Capricorn energy is offering you a chance to make the necessary changes that will benefit you for months to come.In other words, you are being asked to build something concrete that will stand the tests of time. I like the sound of that, don’t you? But before we build, we need to be clear about what stands before us. Some of you might feel unclear about what is “coming up next” but you’ll need to trust that the hard work you put into any new endeavor will likely provide you some solid ground to stand upon until you do know.

 If you’ve neglected to take responsibility in some areas of your life, now would be a great time for you to step up and be present to those needs. Maybe you’ve avoided these responsibilities due to fears, or circumstances, or beliefs, or laziness, or maybe it’s been due to a lack of knowing what to do or where to go from here. Regardless of your reasoning, I’m sure it doesn’t feel easy to let go of how things have always been. Just keep in mind that this eclipse is offering you a chance to really examine your ways and to be honest about where you have fallen short. If these changes aren’t made then there’s a good chance it will be difficult to move forward and this will only prevent you from maturing into who you really are and all you are capable of accomplishing in this world.

 Lastly, I’ll add that Neptune is forming a helpful aspect for this New Moon and reminding us to lean in to our intuition, to connect deeply to our dreams, and to allow compassion to fill our cups. 

 So with this New Moon partial solar eclipse, go for it. Take that initiative, be brutally honest with yourself, and take responsibility for what you’ve neglected in the past. Now is the time to make things happen, not with force, but with diligence and a trust in your own inner compass. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to take on new responsibilities and to start that new project, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<


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